Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Your child comes home from school one day and suddenly refuses to wear the clothes you have been buying him. Instead, they insist on a certain "color" and name brand clothes ONLY. Possibly gang connected, do you decide to buy the more expensive clothes to satisfy your child?


  1. They child will always wear the clothes we buy or wear nothing. As for wearing the same colors that's a NO-NO!

  2. I think the problem with kids is as parents we have become slaves to our "little angels." These angels sometimes grow up to be sadistic worms thus creating a child who thinks he/she can dictate when and what to do and not to do. My child I promise you, would wear what I said to wear or as the other person noted she would wear nothing. Please parents, stop trying to compensate for what you didn't get and become the parents you should be. Resurrect "Big Mama" and ask her how to do it. I beg you, take control, so you are able to sit by the fire with your children when you’re old instead of figuring out how you’re going to smuggle the cake with the knife in it through the prison doors.

  3. I'm definitley not going to cater to my child's request to wear clothing that could possibly suggest gang related activities. If they were not satisfied with my desicion then that's just too bad. The last time I checked I was the parent and you are the child and it was my money that bought the clothes that you have on your back now. We need to remember that we are here to raise our children to be respectful and responsible people. As a parent myself I would explain the repercussions of their actions and the negative effect they could have. Our children need love, guidance, structure along with good moral values. These things cultivate in the home. Therefore parents need to reamin just that, parents and children need to understand that right now it doesn't seem fair but it's for their own good.
